I’m sitting in the sunny dining room of our friend Carol’s
house. Outside the temperature is 60 degrees and sunny for the first time in
several days. However, the weather isn’t important right now. It has been the
total change of energy that invokes healing.
I’m thinking of the meaning of healing as more than a fix for
something that is unwell but directed toward whole. Yet, whole is in process and never complete. This world is moving rapidly toward unmapped territory, always in process.
I’ve been watching Gaia TV, reading and doing lots of
writing in my journal, not this computer. Somehow, actual paper and pen are more organically
appealing to my soul. I still read real paper books as well. They are physical
things that can be touched and handled, and most importantly, I can write in the
margins. I always use lead pencils in case I change my mind and alter the
comments later. Here in Cottonwood, there is a finishing or deepening of
whatever I begin in Taos. I need both.
Cottonwood is a place where other vibrations leak through my
aura and add dimension, color, and substance to the ghosts of perception that
may have been haunting my mind for many months
while in Taos. Because of practical interruptions such as running a
household, paying bills and keeping appointments ideas are often shelved and
We stay with our friend in Cottonwood, not Sedona although
we love to visit Sedona. There is more peace here, and the calm of normality. Still, I wonder if the earth energies are
shifting in broad waves because both Taos and Sedona seem less sure than they
once were. Of course, the inhabitants are dealing with more difficulty in
managing day by day. Perhaps a dimensional
version of El Nino is moving our way. I
felt rumblings under the earth and then Donald Trump is President elect of the
United States, perhaps another Wizard of Oz. While the earth undergoes changes
in weather, the political world may also be on the brink of a great storm
surge. Time for a change the public decides, any change will do, this is
desperation. Yet this too is history
repeating itself.
Our species is hypnotized and under a spell. That’s the only
explanation for the loss of even recent memory. Every four years Americans
place their hope in a candidate’s promises and their hypnotic phrases seem to
gain in power by repetition. Hypnotic phrases can be soothing drugs or
stimulating drugs but their feel good effect provides enough satisfaction to
keep one from questioning the truth of the phrase. It would seem that the more
humans have to lose, the more likely they are to seek amnesia in the pleasant
high of false promises.
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Having a great time but miss my kitty |
Yesterday, as I approached a checkout stand at Walmart, A
fresh faced, attractive young woman in uniform said to the checkout clerk, as
she was leaving, “thank you for donating to the troops that are fighting for
our freedom.” I suppose there are still some folks that believe that freedom is
what our troops are fighting for, but this is one of those phrases and slogans that
aren’t to be questioned, just swallowed for
the feel good buz. There are many such
phrases and slogans, such as, “land of the free, home of the brave”, “individuality
is as American as apple pie”, or the “right of every man to individual freedom,” “liberty and Justice for all.” In practice they are true oxymorons. Individuality and freedom are not gifts that a
country can give though it’s leaders can attempt to take them away.
We may hope that Americans will awaken and see the true enemy
and recognize that they are looking in a mirror and have betrayed themselves in
their expectations. Perhaps we just signed
up for the real test that will sort us out as individuals. We are the country and its flaws and
sorrows are ours.
I just started sorting my thoughts on this topic. I have been guilty of ignoring the political
picture because politics has been an empty word in my experience. However, I’m
beginning to see that the overwhelming problems facing the world and our country
are the result of not paying attention and allowing greedy, power hungry individuals
to rule behind the scenes while their minions are elected because they can lure us down the
yellow brick road with meaningless slogans.