It is 2:50 PM and I’m enjoying my first cup of coffee this
Saturday afternoon. Actually, it tastes better than it does first thing in the
morning. Why, you may wonder would this be? Gratitude I suppose. The alarm rang
at 5:50 this morning so that we could get to the hospital in Espanola at 7:30
am leaving no time for coffee. PQ is having sleep tests to determine if he has
sleep apnea.
I had hoped to attend
a free event celebrating the 30th anniversary of famous homey Natalie
Goldberg’s first bestseller, “Writing Down the Bones”, but PQ’s appointment had
been changed from 12:30 to this earlier time. We rushed down to Espanola Presbyterian,
didn’t know where the Sleep Center was and couldn’t ask because the front desk
wasn’t open. Finally, a janitor offered to walk us there. A quarter of a mile
later we walked through the door. PQ was exhausted from the rapid sprint so we
sat down. A young nurse came out with a puzzled expression and looked at our
papers. “Oh, that is 7:30 pm tonight, she said. Then I walked rapidly in the
cool morning air back to the main parking lot, because my honey couldn’t have
survived another four block run, picked him up and drove us back to Taos. We
have to go back this evening.
PQ slept while I drove. It sounds obvious in hindsight but
since neither of us had any idea what a sleep test involved we just went along
with what we thought was an odd plan. The truth is PQ could have taken the test
this morning. He has no trouble falling asleep that early in the morning. I
however, was wide-awake.
When we got home, I realized there actually was time to attend
the celebration of Writing Down the
before delivering Corey to his cooking job in Arroyo Seco. Of course, I will have to take PQ back to
Espanola this evening, drive back to Taos and then to Seco to pick Corey up at
the restaurant. In the morning, it’s
back to Seco to deliver Corey to the restaurant for Sunday morning brunch and
then on to Espanola to retrieve PQ. Are
you confused yet? I’m hoping that I won’t be.
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Natalie (center) in the Dining Room of Mabel's House |
The Mabel Dodge Lujan House was the location of “Writing
Down the Bones” event and it turns out it was the first event held in that New
Building at the base of those antique stairs leading to the main building. I felt like a stranger at a family reunion
but that was OK, because I knew that I should have been part of the Taos
writing family a long time ago. It is my own undoing that I’m just an
appreciative stranger.
It was definitely a family event and I enjoyed some
brilliant and funny stories going back to the Lama Foundation and outer edge of
the old hippy days. Some of these people are now famous writers and all of them
figurative siblings in this family. Every time I yield to disenchantment with
the Taos chi, something comes along to shame me into taking back my negative grumblings.
My personal connection to this event goes back to my days at
the Tattered Cover bookstore in Denver. I remember placing Writing Down the
Bones on the shelf when it was just published. I read the brief bio of Natalie
and noted that she lived in Taos, which is where I wanted to be. I had a warm
rush each time I fetched that book for a customer. Yes, Natalie was one of us
and I secretly hoped to meet her someday. But I didn’t read the book.
I’ve kept a journal since I was 25, but never considered
myself a writer. The journal was personal history and self-psychotherapy. I
always received excellent grades for papers and once in a while wrote an article with complementary responses but I was
not a writer. I didn’t want to be a writer. I wanted to be a Jungian therapist,
an anthropologist or maybe a mythologist like Joseph Campbell. For one thing, I was too shy to be a writer. I
was almost too shy to be a painter. Earlier I wanted to be a dancer so that I
could express myself without saying a word.
I uploaded my first blog entry with trembling hands. We had recently
returned to Taos from Cottonwood Arizona and all my painting supplies were in
boxes here and there. However, the real reason was that I knew I needed to do
this. It was time to quit hiding in the shadow of more outgoing people. It was
time to avoid exposing myself to possible criticism; it was time to come out. Yet,
this morning I realized I have to take another step into the world of words,
even though I haven’t quite arrived at that trailhead.
I noticed that Natalie’s audience this morning was 80% well
educated, over 50 white women. Yes, there were a few Hispanic women, and half a
dozen men but everyone represented the feeling intellect and a politically
liberal outlook. As I looked around, I wondered, “how come I’m usually to be
found among this demographic?” I have no degrees, and economically I don’t
qualify as middle class. Then I realized
that these women and a few men are swimming in the same stream as Mabel Dodge
Lujan and her Movers and Shakers. They represent the visionaries that can re-balance this out of balance world with the consciousness of the heart. The stream is rising again and I need to get
off the bank and jump on the canoe.
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