The wind is blowing outside and the sky is grey. The previous three mornings we enjoyed coffee
outside in the sun, I got some tan on my bare feet, listened to dueling ravens
and watched the local cats fight over their territorial rights to our back
yard. March is such a transitional month.
It is too early to garden, but the trees are getting buds at the tips of
their branches. The snow is gone except on the mountains and we would be happy
to have some more. The paradoxes of this time of year also fit my state of
mind. Raising my anticipation are the undecided temperatures mingled with grey boredom
while looking for tangible signs of green. I have always found it incongruous
that spring seems to be as much about endings as beginnings. Maybe that is why it
is not easy. Yet, change by principle is never comfortable.
I used to get depressed each spring. I also noticed that in
the news, obituaries are abundant in spring. According to researchers, this is
statistically normal. Maybe spring is about turning things over as much as it
is about starting a new cycle. Farmers traditionally turn over the soil each
spring in readiness for planting new crops. Birth and death are just the up
side and down side of the same material.
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Still too Shy to Get Close, But Hopeful! |
I’m staying inside today except for about 20 minutes
guarding the little black stray so that one of the local fat cats doesn’t chase
him away from a dish of leftover treats. I also bought several books on Amazon this afternoon.
During the past three months, I’ve purchased and read more books than in the
previous 20 years. Life in Taos, for years has been about immediate experience and
survival, now the urge is to cook a new mental stew and adjust the flavoring.
The use of this analogy probably comes from renewed interest in cooking. I’m in the mood to sharpen some old skills
and take others out of the closet.
PQ is painting every day except Saturday and Sunday. He has about six paintings finished and
started working on another one. It’s interesting to observe his working pattern.
Because I worked in retail, I painted mostly nights and weekends, he was a
welder so takes weekends off. Interesting isn’t it how these patterns stay with
us after there is no longer a reason to keep them. I guess people are creatures
of habit and pattern like all other animals.
We have new snow beginning yesterday. Weather is always
changing. Maybe that’s one of the reasons we all like predictability and habit.
It helps us feel that when we put one foot in front of the other there will be
something under it, but sometimes there isn’t anything under us but our habits.
I’m thinking that somehow I’m walking on air in anticipation of the next
turnover. It’s that in between space that leaves me blank. Thus, I don’t have
much to say.
Enjoy the transition. Spring is always good for rebirth and refreshening. Weather has been simply awsome here in Florida; cool nights and breezy sunny days with blue skys. Blessings to you and PQ.